

Ansicht einer Leezen Heroes-Rikscha aus mehreren Perspektiven

The city needs new heroes

Müns­ter is gro­wing and we are reac­ting. Our adver­ti­sing part­ners, pas­sen­gers, gui­des and fans are the new heroes of the road. A pro­spe­rous city brings many new achie­ve­ments, but also chal­lenges. And becau­se Müns­ter has always been a city of bicy­cles – or Lee­zen – it is now the Lee­zen Heroes who, with their ricks­haws, com­bi­ne the esprit of a big city with the ease of a ricks­haw ride.
Whe­ther it is just a spon­ta­neous trans­port or a detail­ed city tour – the infra­struc­tu­re in Müns­ter allows the Lee­zen Heros to quick­ly beco­me a part of the city socie­ty.

Your ads on our streets

With exclu­si­ve tours, we offer tou­rists gre­at added value.

In addi­ti­on, ricks­haws are the per­fect means of trans­port in Müns­ter to fes­ti­vals, con­certs or sport­ing events. Sim­ply order and alre­a­dy on the way. So their adver­ti­se­ments always bring the Lee­zen Heroes to busy and exci­ting places.

And the­re are ple­nty of them in Müns­ter: Stadt­fest, Hafen­fest, Schau­raum, Okto­ber­fest, the Dock­lands and Vain­stream fes­ti­vals, the big sport­ing events Mara­thon and Giro and many more!

Unique promotional opportunities

The advan­ta­ges of a ricks­haw are not just mar­ke­ting phra­ses: They sim­pli­fy ever­y­day life, which is beco­ming incre­asing­ly nar­row, lou­der and more hec­tic, and thus stand for sym­pa­thy, eco­lo­gy as well as tra­di­ti­on and moder­ni­ty at the same time.

Our vehic­les have lar­ge are­as for adver­ti­sing in all direc­tions, which you can use indi­vi­du­al­ly and crea­tively.

As an adver­ti­sing part­ner of Lee­zen Heroes, you not only reach your tar­get group visi­bly, you are auto­ma­ti­cal­ly per­cei­ved as a posi­ti­ve and future-ori­en­ted com­pa­ny. Becau­se adver­ti­sing must be visi­ble to your tar­get group. But more important­ly, adver­ti­sing must be taken serious­ly by your tar­get audi­ence. Sin­ce our ricks­haws are always in cen­tral and hea­vi­ly fre­quen­ted places, they reach many Müns­ter resi­dents and visi­tors to the city. For exam­p­le around the ad-free Prin­zi­pal­markt, the busy city har­bor or at num­e­rous events.

Let‘s go!

To ensu­re that the ricks­haws are always on the move, it is par­ti­cu­lar­ly easy to book rides and tours: city or the­med tours can be orde­red direct­ly on the web­site with just a few clicks.

And with the Lee­zen Heroes app, trips can also be orga­ni­zed spon­ta­neous­ly at any time. Sim­ply pick up your cell pho­ne, enter your loca­ti­on and a ricks­haw is on its way.

So the ricks­haws are always the­re whe­re some­thing is going on. In addi­ti­on, thanks to your adver­ti­sing pre­sence, cus­to­mers asso­cia­te you with sus­tainable added value.

Our offer

Good adver­ti­sing doesn’t have to cost a lot. And fri­end­ly adver­ti­sing even pays off twice.

Choo­se from our packa­ges ran­ging from a month to a who­le sea­son
matching offer and beco­me a hero!

Also at your event

Of cour­se you can also rent your bran­ded ricks­haw for your own pur­po­ses. At con­gres­ses, as an incen­ti­ve or at a com­pa­ny par­ty. Show your employees that you are com­mit­ted to sus­taina­bi­li­ty and use the posi­ti­ve image of the ricks­haws.

And if you need a lar­ge num­ber of ricks­haws for an event: no pro­blem at all. For short peri­ods, for exam­p­le for a shut­tle ser­vice, we would be hap­py to make you an offer.

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