

UKM Campus-Leezen drive around the medical campus again

(Pho­to: UKM/FZ/Elisabeht Dei­ters-Keul): The UKM Cam­pus-Lee­ze is back in action. The coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween pati­ent trans­port and Lee­zen Heroes has been exten­ded by one year.
From now on, pati­ents can be trans­por­ted to their tre­at­ment loca­ti­ons again by ricks­haw. “We have exten­ded the con­tract with the Lee­zen­he­roes by one year,” says André Saphörs­ter, head of pati­ent trans­port. At the UKM, more than 50 pati­ents who are able to walk are trans­por­ted to the medi­cal cam­pus on week­days for exami­na­ti­ons, the­ra­pies and ope­ra­ti­ons by shut­tle bus and taxi. From now on again via UKM Cam­pus-Lee­ze. “The test pha­se last year show­ed that the envi­ron­men­tal­ly fri­end­ly mode of trans­port has ano­ther posi­ti­ve side effect: the ricks­haws some­ti­mes have much shorter tra­vel times becau­se they can dri­ve direct­ly over the medi­cal cam­pus and get clo­ser to the respec­ti­ve coll­ec­tion point.”

This is how it works:

The UKM Cam­pus-Lee­ze is available on week­days from 7.30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The ricks­haw can be reques­ted via the pati­ent trans­port dis­patcher.

The ricks­haw trans­port is sui­ta­ble for pati­ents who are able to walk, pati­ents with a rol­la­tor and pati­ents who can be moved in a wheel­chair.

The ricks­haw ser­vice can be used in any wea­ther. Rain pro­tec­tion is pro­vi­ded in the sum­mer months. In the autumn and win­ter months, pati­ents are trans­por­ted in a clo­sed cabin with a hea­ted seat. The ricks­haws are only used to trans­port pati­ents.

If you would like to be trans­por­ted pri­va­te­ly (for a fee) by a ricks­haw, you can eit­her cont­act the dri­ver at the UKM Cam­pus-Lee­ze or request a ricks­haw direct­ly at

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