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Rickshaw rides in Münster with the Leezen Heroes!

The Lee­zen Heroes will show you Müns­ter with a ricks­haw. We have ide­as for every occa­si­on: city tour (or city tour) and sight­see­ing, bache­lor par­ty or bache­lo­ret­te par­ty (JGA), sculp­tu­re pro­jects & “New in Müns­ter”. Of cour­se we also have ricks­haws for a wed­ding, becau­se anyo­ne get­ting mar­ried in West­pha­lia needs a cycle ricks­haw! The wed­ding ricks­haw is very popu­lar with bridal cou­ples and offers gre­at oppor­tu­ni­ties for pho­to shoots. From the regis­try office it goes, for exam­p­le, to the cele­bra­ti­on loca­ti­on.
You can easi­ly book a tour with a Velo­ta­xi on our web­site or order and print out a vou­ch­er as a gift idea. Learn more about the histo­ry and pre­sent of the West­pha­li­an uni­ver­si­ty town and home of the Lee­ze, becau­se both Muns­ter resi­dents and tou­rists will learn the fami­li­ar and the unknown with us. At a bache­lor par­ty, seve­ral event ricks­haws often dri­ve side by side and the tour is gre­at fun with music and a drink. A gre­at idea for new resi­dents of Müns­ter is the “New in Müns­ter” tour, becau­se we show you all the must-sees and high­lights with our hero taxi and give recom­men­da­ti­ons for a good start. This trip is a popu­lar gift – espe­ci­al­ly for stu­dents. Every ten years the Skulp­tur Pro­jek­te Müns­ter lea­ve behind some famous works of art scat­te­red all over the city, and to find them all, you should book a ticket for a pedi­cab. You can also book us as a shut­tle!
Our Lee­zen Heroes app allows you to spon­ta­neous­ly orga­ni­ze a ride. You can sim­ply down­load it and see if a Lee­zen Hero is curr­ent­ly available. Rent our bicy­cle taxis with a city gui­de at a reasonable pri­ce for your expe­ri­ence in the heart of the Müns­ter­land. Inci­den­tal­ly, you can also book vehic­le adver­ti­sing on our ricks­haw taxis and we offer jobs for anyo­ne who is inte­res­ted in beco­ming a city gui­de, gui­de or dri­ver in our team: A Lee­zen­he­ro.
In addi­ti­on to our tou­rist offer, we also trans­port goods: We fill the Lee­zen Kie­pe, as the “ruck­sack” of the Kie­pen­kerl is tra­di­tio­nal­ly cal­led in Müns­ter, and bring fruit, gro­ce­ries and con­su­mer goods to many cus­to­mers. Ano­ther note: Some peo­p­le pre­fer to wri­te Lee­zen Heros or Lee­zen­he­ros and we don’t bla­me anyo­ne for that eit­her.
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