


Münster's Car­go Heroes

of all moto­ri­zed trans­ports in Euro­pean cities can be done with a car­go bike or car­go bike.
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Car­go bikes can and will save the city. The Lee­zen Heroes are alre­a­dy sol­ving com­plex logi­stics pro­blems for com­pa­nies in urban are­as. The expe­ri­ence and crea­ti­vi­ty of the foun­ders are the cor­ner­stone, tail­or-made con­cepts and the pos­si­bi­li­ties of e-mobi­li­ty are the big plus of the car­go heroes.
0  m³
load capa­ci­ty
0  kg


car­go bikes

Are you a retailer in Münster?

Here and now.
Your deli­very will reach the cus­to­mer today!
We would like to beco­me your relia­ble part­ner.

The future for Münsters streets.

In Müns­ter, the car­go heroes are curr­ent­ly on the move with fle­xi­ble and, abo­ve all, high-per­for­mance trans­port sys­tems. Up to 1.3 m³ and 300 kilos can be trans­por­ted with just one of the car­go bikes, wea­ther and tem­pe­ra­tu­re-pro­of. And that at any time of the day, any­whe­re: wit­hout traf­fic jams, envi­ron­men­tal pol­lu­ti­on or loo­king for a par­king space. The focus is on deve­lo­ping an indi­vi­du­al dis­tri­bu­ti­on con­cept with the respec­ti­ve cus­to­mer. With brains and mus­cle power - pai­red with IT and elec­tric motors.​

Superbio delivers with Leezen Heroes

The first part­ner of the Lee­zen Heroes car­go divi­si­on is Super­bio­markt AG from Müns­ter. With SuperBioBringt's, an opti­mal trans­port solu­ti­on for office fruit has been deve­lo­ped. The fruits from con­trol­led orga­nic cul­ti­va­ti­on are deli­ver­ed by the car­go heroes for the cus­to­mers just as eco­lo­gi­cal­ly as they were pro­du­ced. And we do it quick­ly, effi­ci­ent­ly and relia­bly. The offer is aimed at busi­ness cus­to­mers.



Müns­ters Cargo-Held:innen

aller moto­ri­sier­ten Trans­por­te in euro­päi­schen Städ­ten kön­nen mit einem Las­ten­rad oder Cargobike erle­digt wer­den.
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Las­ten­rä­der kön­nen und wer­den die Stadt ret­ten. Die Lee­zen Heroes lösen bereits jetzt kom­ple­xe Logis­tik-Pro­ble­me von Unter­neh­men im urba­nen Raum. Erfah­rung und Krea­ti­vi­tät der Grün­der sind der Grund­stein, maß­ge­schnei­der­te Kon­zep­te und die Mög­lich­kei­ten der E‑Mobilität das gro­ße Plus der Car­go-Hel­den.
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