


Beco­me a Lee­zen Hero!

This is you:

a jolly good fellow

Your bat­tery is full, you are moti­va­ted and would like to spread your ener­gy to your pas­sen­gers in this job? Then you are the right gal or the right guy for us!

a passionate biker

You can ride wit­hout trai­ning wheels and your bike isn't just a means of trans­por­ta­ti­on for you? Then don't worry! Riding a ricks­haw is easier than you think.

an awesome Guide

If you alre­a­dy know your way around Müns­ter – that would be gre­at! We'll teach you the rest. Of cour­se, we also train you very tho­rough­ly on our tours!

This is what we offer

glory and honor

As a mem­ber of our team, you are an important part of Münster's Lee­zen Heroes. Not­hing works wit­hout you, which is why we always work with you as equ­als.

Great pay

You earn good money with us. And then the­re is also a tip. As the hard worker you are, you don't get paid bad­ly eit­her.

a warm team

Ricks­haw dri­vers stick tog­e­ther. You beco­me part of a com­mu­ni­ty and gain reco­gni­ti­on. After all, you're one of tho­se peo­p­le who make Müns­ter even more beau­tiful.

We need you as a moti­va­ted, fri­end­ly and jove­lous hero: sim­ply as a Lee­zen Hero!

Our name says it all, becau­se we see you as a true heroi­ne and the­r­e­fo­re also as a part­ner in our idea of ​​making Müns­ter even more beau­tiful. Are you inte­res­ted in a dyna­mic team that wants to make peo­p­le hap­py?

No mat­ter whe­ther you are loo­king for a part-time job or a big new task – whe­ther stu­dent or pen­sio­ner –
we can only find out tog­e­ther whe­ther you have what it takes to be a hero:ine! Let’s do it!

The Lee­zen Heroes are a rapidly gro­wing com­pa­ny for bicy­cle logi­stics from Müns­ter. In the two main fields “car­go bike” and “ricks­haw” num­e­rous trans­ports and trips are car­ri­ed out every day. Foun­ded in 2018, the Lee­zen Heroes now have a den­se net­work of part­ners. More than 25 employees are now mana­ged from the com­pa­ny head­quar­ters at Müns­ter main sta­ti­on.

Are you inte­res­ted in get­ting invol­ved in a gro­wing com­pa­ny that is com­mit­ted to sus­tainable trans­port solu­ti­ons and, if pos­si­ble, do you even have expe­ri­ence in the ser­vice sec­tor? Do you like working in the fresh air and are you fri­end­ly, ser­vice-ori­en­ted and a team play­er?

  • Dura­ti­on of con­tract: unli­mi­t­ed
  • Working hours: 15 – 35 per week (40 pos­si­ble after a few weeks)

Our ear­liest shifts start at 6:15 am and our last shift ends at 9 pm. We plan the shifts digi­tal­ly. Working hours bet­ween 4 and 8 hours are the rule and are agreed in advan­ce.

Sup­port­ed by our dis­po­si­ti­on, you will deli­ver a wide varie­ty of goods with the car­go bike, pick them up from our cus­to­mers and sort them. You have a fri­end­ly deme­an­or and offer gre­at ser­vice! You will also look after pas­sen­gers in our ricks­haws as part of taxi rides, pati­ent trans­port, trade fair shut­tles, wed­dings or later also city tours. We work very digi­ti­zed and are always open to new ide­as.

In addi­ti­on to a posi­ti­ve atti­tu­de towards working with busi­ness and end cus­to­mers, we look for­ward to basic local know­ledge of Müns­ter.

We offer fle­xi­ble working hours and five weeks vaca­ti­on.

Our head office, whe­re the shifts begin and end, is right next to the main sta­ti­on in Müns­ter.

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